Glossary of Terms
An alphabetical list of frequently used terms within openEQUELLA.
ACL - Access Control List—list of actions which associate users, groups or roles with privileges for particular items, collections or institutions.
Action - Used generically to describe a single line of an ACL that associates an action with a user and privilege.
Action term - The effect of an action—typically this term will be either Grant or Revoke.
Activation - Used to describe enabling copyright compliance recording. Once activated the associated copyright content can be viewed and used.
Active cache - Regularly updated, localised copy of the openEQUELLA Digital Repository for users who either have slower connection speeds or are geographically separated from the repository.
Activity Assembler - openEQUELLA application that allows users to create, customise, assemble and reuse a variety of different learning objects and documents into learning sequences or training modules (Activities or Activity Plans), using resources from the Digital Repository, the local computer or network, and the internet. (Note: The openEQUELLA Activity Assembler was deprecated in openEQUELLA v5.0.)
Administration console - openEQUELLA application that enables the administrator to configure and manage the openEQUELLA suite of tools.
Advanced Image Viewer - See Large Image Viewer.
Advanced management - Item Management page that provides an item metadata filter allowing the administrator to target metadata related to a specific item, further refining searches within the openEQUELLA Digital Repository. Typically accessed through the Adv. Item Management link in the Administer group in the openEQUELLA Home page navigation pane.
Advanced scripting - Contribution wizard control that uses JavaScript™, FreeMarker and HTML mark-up languages to build customised wizard controls. The control is shareable using import and export options.
Archive - Item administration operation that removes selected items from the live status, so that they are no longer available to repository users other than the item owner and the system administrator. The item cannot be discovered but remains accessible via its URL.
Archived - Item status for items that have been live but are no longer required (e.g. items that have been superseded by a newer version).
Atom feed - Search results option enabling notifications to be generated when items that match a user’s search criteria are contributed or updated. See also RSS Feed.
Attachment - Document, image, sound, video, package or URL appended to an item.
Attribute - Metadata schema element that helps to define the associated schema element node.
Auto-Complete edit box - Display type for the Term Selector wizard control. Displays an edit box that will automatically complete an entered term.
Authentication - Process whereby an entity (e.g. a user’s identity) is established as genuine for the purposes of security.
Banned File Extensions plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that manages files banned from uploading to the repository.
Basic search - Simple keyword search containing optional Boolean logic that will return all live items from all available collections that match the query.
Basic usage - License condition that allows a user to display, execute, play or print the selected item.
Best practice - Most effective standard or method for achieving a desired outcome (e.g. the most efficient way to configure security permissions in the Administration Console Security Manager).
BIRT - Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools—custom reporting engine that allows administrators to design and execute custom reports.
Blackboard™ - Third-party system that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content. Often referred to as an LMS, CMS or VLE.
Bookmark - Favourite item or location that has been stored for quick access at a later date.
Boolean operators - Allows search terms to be combined through logic operators. Operators supported within openEQUELLA are AND, ‘+’, OR, NOT and ‘-’. Parentheses can be used to group conditions together. Breadcrumb or breadcrumb trail Method of navigation through levels of a page, allowing users to keep track of their location. Typically appearing horizontally across the top of a page and providing links back to each previous page that the user navigated through (e.g. Home > Section > Subsection).
Browse - An alternative to searching, Browse is effective when the exact details, such as an author’s name or an item’s title, are not known or when the user wants to view other related information such as the records that come before and after the search results.
Bulk operations - Item management operations (Delete, Re-Assign Ownership, Archive, Reset Workflow, Review, Clone and Move) that can be performed by the administrator on more than one item in the repository, through the item administration pages.
Button - Contribution wizard control that enables the creation of a command button whose function is determined by an associated script.
Cache - See Active cache.
CAL - Copyright Agency Limited—organisation that manages licence fees for Australian copyright holders. openEQUELLA provides a convenient method to track content usage and the number of enrolled users against activated items and report in the CAL format.
Calendar - Contribution and power search wizard control that allows the selection of a date or date range (e.g. to select a publication, creation or modification date, or to control resource use or availability).
CAS plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in used to authenticate users with the Central Authentication Service.
Category - Digital Repository grouping created for the storage of collections.
Checkbox - Used to select or enable an option. A checkmark in the checkbox graphic indicates that the option or item is selected.
Check Box Group - Contribution and power search wizard control that creates a checkbox group where one or more elements can be selected.
Child - Sub node, control or topic added to a parent (main) node, control or topic (e.g. sub-element node added to an element in a metadata schema).
Citations - Style used when citing (quoting) licensed material. Appearance can be controlled by an XSLT.
CLA - Copyright Licensing Agency Limited—organisation that manages licenses for United Kingdom copyright holders. openEQUELLA provides a convenient method to track content usage and the number of enrolled users against activated items and report in the CLA format.
Clone - Item administration operation that creates a copy of an item.
CMS - Content Management System—third-party training software that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content (e.g. Blackboard™, Moodle™). Also called Learning Management System (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Collaborators - Selected users who have permission to edit or update an item, collection or other resource.
Collection - Unique container to store items and associated information (metadata) within the openEQUELLA Digital Repository.
Collection Definition editor - Administration Console tool used to create and modify collections.
Command button - On-screen appearance is typically a rectangular shape with the name of the command displayed within the button. The user clicks the button to initiate an action.
Confirmation template - Controls how data is displayed in the contribution wizard Review page when an item is submitted.
Container - Location in the repository for the storage of items.
Content package - A file comprising resources and related metadata.
Contribute - To add an item to the openEQUELLA Digital Repository, via a contribution wizard. The contributor must enter information (metadata) describing the item during contribution.
Contribution wizard - Sequence of pages used to gather information (metadata) about, and manage the rights associated with, contributed items.
Contributor - User who adds (contributes) an item to the openEQUELLA Digital Repository.
Control editor - Pane located on the right-hand side of the Collection Definition Editor—Wizard page and the Power Search Editor—Wizard page that displays the details of the control currently selected in the hierarchy pane.
Copyright compliance - Applying activation rules, tracking content usage and reporting in CAL and CLA formats.
Course Defaults plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that configures the start and end dates for copyright activation.
Courses - Used for copyright license activation and for third-party integrations such as Blackboard™ or Moodle™.
Creator - Originator, author, photographer or designer of an electronic resource.
Curriculum plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that configures the curriculum server properties when a curriculum is being used.
Custom permissions - License condition that allows custom license conditions to be specified.
Data Duplication tab - Notifies the contributor if duplicate values have been entered in a contribution wizard.
Decision node/Decision point Workflow step type that allows a workflow to be branched. Decision points require a predicate script for differentiating between the branches.
Deep link - URL that points to a specific location in another website, rather than to the homepage of that website.
Default - Initial value that is displayed.
Delete - Item administration operation that removes an item from the repository and marks it for purging with the next purge scheduled task.
Deleted - Item status for items that have been removed from the repository and are marked for purging with the next purge scheduled-task.
Dialog/Dialog box - Secondary window displayed to gather or display information from or to users.
Digital object - Electronic resource for use and re-use within an educational context.
Digital repository - Flexible digital library capable of storing a variety of custom item types and associated document formats.
Draft - Item status for items that are under construction and have not yet been published or submitted for moderation.
Drag and Drop - To select an item, file or folder and copy it by moving it to another pane using the mouse.
Drop-down list box - Text box that shows the currently selected option of a list. The other list options are displayed when the drop-down (arrow) button is clicked. When a new option is selected it becomes the current option shown in the text box.
DRM - Digital Rights Management—contribution wizard control used to manage digital rights for items uploaded to the repository.
Dublin Core® (DC) - Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative—provides a forum for developing a common standard for the finding, sharing and management of information.
Dynamic collections - Administration Console tool enabling the definition of a collection spanning multiple collections and individual items for use in OAI harvesting.
Edit - Item administration operation that displays the contribution wizard for the item, allowing the user to modify item metadata or files. Any changes made are saved to the current version. This operation is typically available for items in a draft state.
Edit box - Contribution and power search wizard control that allows the entry of basic text such as names, descriptions and keywords. Also used to provide a space for users to enter comments or other details such as email addresses.
Edna™ - Education Network Australia—organisation working towards developing a common standard for the finding, sharing and management of information.
Electronic resource - Digital object for use and re-use within an educational context.
Embed - To display a copy of an attachment in the HTML Editor (as opposed to displaying the item as a link).
openEQUELLA Agents Framework - Suite of services that enables third parties to integrate and build applications utilising openEQUELLA functionality.
openEQUELLA Cluster Testing tool - Troubleshooting tool for diagnosing cluster network configuration.
openEQUELLA HTML editor - Allows users to create, load and edit a series of HTML web pages. It provides numerous operations including the selection of repository content.
openEQUELLA Manager - openEQUELLA application for upgrading openEQUELLA.
eReserve - Electronic library holdings of material copied under educational use provisions of the Copyright Act.
Escalation - To move an item to the next workflow node.
Export - To send a file to another application.
Export engine - Tool used to export item XML, item attachments or both in a single bulk operation. It can be done on a per-collection basis or institution-wide.
External Authentication plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that manages identity and access permissions allowing users to exchange information. The information exchanged determines which users can access openEQUELLA.
Extension - Defines the format of a file (e.g .txt, .jpg, .doc etc).
Federated search - Search method that allows users to search multiple external sources, including other openEQUELLA repositories, for content using a single search query. Sources can include university library databases, Internet search engines and online course management systems.
Field - Text box providing a space for entering or editing information.
File - See Attachment.
File Manager - Contribution wizard control—a Java™ applet that allows for advanced management of resources being contributed.
Force Unlock - Item administration operation that is available when the process of editing an item has not been completed. An item is locked when a user is editing the item. When an item is locked only limited administration operations are available. Selecting this operation unlocks the item and displays all permitted operations.
FreeText Engine plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that provides manual index controls for repository items and configures how web content linked to repository items is indexed.
Fuzzy search - Uses the tilde ‘~’ symbol at the end of a single word search term to search for words similar in spelling to the entered term.
Generate reports - Page where a variety of pre-configured reports can be run, typically accessed through the Administer group in the navigation pane on the openEQUELLA Home page. Reports are configured with the Administration Console Reporting tool.
Googlebook search - Contribution wizard control that allows users to search for Google™ Books content to be added to a contributed item.
Group - Collection of users provided by the UMS or UMP. Also a contribution wizard control configured with child Group Item controls.
Group Item - Contribution wizard control added as a child of the Group control. This control must have one or more associated child controls, and can be presented with either checkbox or radio button selection methods.
Guided search - Search method that allows users to restrict returns to a specified set of collections.
Harvard - Citation style used when referencing licensed material.
Harvester - Custom upload application used to collect learning objects and resources from third party institutions and upload them automatically to the openEQUELLA repository.
Hierarchy editor - Administration Console tool used to create and edit content in the hierarchy pane on the openEQUELLA Home page.
Hierarchy pane - Central feature on the openEQUELLA Home page. Linked tree-like structure displaying content and materials available to the user in a hierarchical list so that they can be easily browsed. Also an element of the Collection Definition Editor—Wizard page where controls can be added to provide the structure for the pages and controls that make up the wizard.
HTML Edit box - Contribution wizard control that provides an inline HTML Editor allowing users to create web page content during contribution.
HTML fragment - Pre-determined HTML that can be added to a taxonomy term in the Taxonomy Editor.
Hyperlink - Reference link to another location in the same or another document or report.
Import engine - Uploads external data sources consisting of metadata or a combination of metadata and file attachments to the openEQUELLA Digital Repository. Allows users to supply an XSLT for custom mapping of the import item’s metadata.
IMS - Instructional Management Systems—content packaging standard.
Initial value - Default value that is automatically applied to a wizard control, but that may also be altered at the time of contribution or during editing. Can be used for storing commonly entered information for a given collection, such as course names or codes.
Institution Manager - openEQUELLA application that allows for convenient hosting of openEQUELLA. One physical installation of openEQUELLA can host as many virtual installations of openEQUELLA as required.
Internal Groups plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that enables openEQUELLA users to be managed as groups when no groups are provided by the UMS.
Internal Roles plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in. Internal roles are labels that offer a greater variety of user groupings or sets than openEQUELLA Groups and can be used in conjunction with any configured UMP.
Internal Users plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that can provide user management options that can be applied concurrently with an external plug-in. This plug-in allows the creation of openEQUELLA users.
Item - Content that is stored in the openEQUELLA Digital Repository. Items are contributed to a customised Collection using a contribution wizard. An openEQUELLA Item typically comprises information (metadata) and one or more files uploaded during contribution.
Item Administration - Page providing administrator access to all items in the repository, regardless of ownership. Typically accessed through the Item Management link in the Administer group in the openEQUELLA Home page navigation pane.
Item Finder - Contribution wizard control—deprecated in favour of the Resource Selector control.
Item status - Every item in the openEQUELLA repository has a status that can determine filtering and viewing options, and which operations are allowable on the item.
Item Summary Display template - Controls what metadata is displayed on the Item Summary page.
ITunes U™ browser - Contribution wizard control that allows users to search for and add iTunesU™ resources to a contributed item.
Janison - Third-party system that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content. Often referred to as an LMS, CMS or VLE.
JavaScript™ - Scripting language used to enhance the functionality of openEQUELLA processes.
Kerberos™ - Protocol and mechanism for securely authenticating users of a public network.
Key resources - Important resources relating to a hierarchy topic.
Language pack - Allows the default controls in openEQUELLA to display institution specific text and users to select a preferred language for the user interface display.
Languages plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that enables the use of multiple languages within openEQUELLA and provides customisation of openEQUELLA labels and text (e.g. display titles and error messages) to specific locales.
Large Image Viewer - Allows users to easily view very large, detailed images stored in the openEQUELLA repository.
LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol—a popular protocol for user authentication.
LDAP plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that supports a variety of different LDAP schemas.
Learning object - See Digital object.
Library search - Search method that allows the user to search multiple Z39.50 repositories or search engines for content using a single search query.
License - Collection definitions with configured digital rights present a license for acceptance whenever a user attempts to view or use the item (depending on the configured rights).
List box - Contribution and power search wizard control that consists of a drop-down list where a single option can be selected.
Literal values - Values written exactly as they are to be displayed.
Live - Item status for items that have been published to the repository.
LMS - Learning Management System—third-party training software that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content (e.g. Blackboard™, Moodle™). Also called Content Management System (CMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Load Attachment - Contribution wizard control that allows users to upload a single attachment to the chosen collection during item contribution.
Load Attachments - Contribution wizard control that allows users to upload one or more attachments to a contributed item.
Login plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in used for configuring remote login and authentication by IP address options.
Login Notice Editor plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in used to edit the notice that appears when users log in to openEQUELLA.
Mail server - Computer that sends and receives email on behalf of users and holds them for later retrieval.
Mail Server plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that enables the configuration of automatically generated emails to openEQUELLA users.
Make live - Item administration operation that returns items that have been archived to a live state, making them discoverable to users with the appropriate privileges.
Manage Activations - Copyright management page where, depending on the privileges granted, previously activated copyright compliant items can be deactivated, deleted, or rolled-over for further use. Typically accessed through the Administer group in the openEQUELLA Home page navigation pane.
MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching—searchable online collection of learning materials.
Metadata - Descriptive data usually comprising keywords, descriptions, dates and other information describing the contents of an item. Metadata is used for searching and managing items within the openEQUELLA Digital Repository.
Metadata mapping - Enables the automatic mapping of metadata from a contributed item or literal value to a particular schema node of the collection schema during contribution.
Metadata schema - Storage structure used to hold an item’s metadata. A metadata schema that conforms to an available standard increases the effectiveness and operability of items, enabling searching and management of items within the openEQUELLA Digital Repository.
Metadata target - Schema item designated as the storage area for entered data.
METS - Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard—content packaging standard.
MIME type - Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions—used to identify the type of information that a file contains, similar to file extensions but more universally accepted. A web server will specify the correct MIME type using a Content-type: when it responds to a web browser’s HTTP request (e.g. for PNG image format the type is ‘image/png’ and the common file extension is ‘.png’).
Moderating - Item status for items that have entered a workflow and require moderation before being made live.
Moderation - Approval process that items attached to a workflow must undergo before they are made available in the repository. At each step, moderators can accept, edit or reject an item in order to maintain the quality of the data in the repository.
Moderator - User responsible for accepting, editing or rejecting an item in order to progress it through a workflow.
Moodle™ - Third-party system that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content. Often referred to as an LMS, CMS or VLE.
Move - Item administration operation allowing an item to be transferred to a different collection. A preferred schema transform can be applied to the moved item if required.
Multi-language Edit box - Contribution wizard control that allows the user to input multiple language strings that will then display the string relevant to the language the user has selected.
My Content - Personal storage area where users can create, store and manage their own resources. These resources can be added to items or included in web pages.
My Favourites - User bookmarking feature that allows users to easily add, view, search for and manage their bookmarks. These resources can be added to items during the contribution process.
My Items - Page listing all items belonging to users, providing access to view and edit these items. Typically accessed through the Manage group in the openEQUELLA Home page navigation pane.
My Searches - Personal search bookmarking feature that allows users to add and manage their search results.
Navigation Builder - Contribution wizard control that allows users to: organise item content into a package with customised navigation; provide content viewers with a ‘split view’ option where attachments can be viewed in two independent panes; rename files; and specify the viewer type for individual attachments.
Navigation Group - Group of navigation links in the navigation pane on the openEQUELLA Home page (e.g. the Search Navigation Group includes Basic Search, Guided Search and so on).
Navigation link - - Component of a Navigation Group in the navigation pane on the left-hand side of the openEQUELLA Home page, provided for user navigation and configurable within the Administration Console. Can also be configured to appear on the login page.
Navigation pane - Area displayed on the left-hand side of openEQUELLA pages, containing Navigation Groups and Links. Not visible during contribution if the contribution wizard features sidebar wizard navigation.
New version - Item administration operation that displays the contribution wizard for the item so that data and files can be modified and the new version can be published or submitted for moderation. When the new version reaches the live state, the current item is automatically archived.
Node - Unit containing data, used to build linked structures such as metadata schemas, navigation trees or workflows.
Non-live items - Items not in a live or review state.
Notification - Message displayed in a user’s Task list regarding an item or items requiring attention from that user before it can progress through a workflow.
OAI Identifier plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that enables the editing of identifier attributes.
OAI-PMH - Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting—protocol for sharing metadata.
ODRL - Open Digital Rights Language—standard for managing digital rights.
Orphaned item - Item that no longer has an owner, due to the owner being removed from the system.
Owner - Initially, the contributor of an item or creator of a collection. Ownership can be subsequently transferred or shared between other users. Also an item administration operation that displays the current item owner and allows the selection of a new item owner.
Package Uploader - Contribution wizard control that provides a tool for uploading IMS, METS and SCORM packages from the local computer or network.
Page - Contribution wizard control used to provide logical steps in the contribution wizard, with each wizard comprising at least one page. Pages can be displayed as tabs across the top of the wizard or vertically down the left-hand side of the wizard.
Pane - Divided section of the page (e.g. the navigation pane on the openEQUELLA Home page).
Parallel steps/node - Workflow step type that allows a workflow to be branched so multiple branches can be completed concurrently. All branches must be completed for the workflow to leave a parallel step.
Parameter - Value that the user is expected to enter, when it is required.
Parent node - Any node that has Child nodes linked to it.
Partial locking - Partial locking of a schema prevents changes to the locked nodes.
Pop-up browser - Display type option for the Term Selector wizard control.
Power search - Customised search that allows the user to specify search metadata relevant to the type of item being searched for.
Pretty Photo Viewer - Image viewer that displays image/jpeg, image/png and image/gif in a gallery style allowing the user to iterate through a group of images.
Privilege - Permission to perform a particular action. All tasks are associated with a privilege, and user privileges can be granted or revoked by the system administrator.
Proximity search - Uses the tilde ‘~’ symbol at the end of a phrase to find words that are close to each other.
Proxy Server - Server that acts as an intermediary between remote users and openEQUELLA.
Publish - Contribute an item to the openEQUELLA Digital Repository.
Purge - Item administration operation displayed for items that have been deleted. This operation causes the item to be purged immediately from the repository. Purged items are not recoverable, all files and data are removed from the filestore and database.
Quick Contribute plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that enables a Quick Contribute control on the selection openEQUELLA Home page for integrated third-party systems such as Blackboard™ and Moodle™. The control provides a simple way of adding files from the local computer or network to a course as an openEQUELLA item and prevents duplicate files being uploaded.
Radio button - One of a group of options whose on-screen appearance is a circle followed by an option name.
Radio Button Group - Contribution and power search wizard control that displays a group of mutually exclusive options where only one can be selected at a time.
Raw HTML - Contribution and power search wizard control that enables the entry of predefined or user defined HTML to enhance the design and usability of wizard pages.
Record - Group of related data, words, or fields with the same structure, such as a row in a database (e.g. ISBN, Book Title, Author, Date Published).
Redraft - Item administration operation for items that require redrafting prior to workflow completion. This operation allows the item to be edited and re-submitted for moderation or saved as a draft. Redraft is intended for use with items that have not been made live.
Rejected - Item status for items that have been rejected from a workflow. These items must be redrafted and resubmitted for moderation to re-enter the workflow.
Reject Point - Workflow node where an item is able to re-enter the workflow after it has been modified following rejection.
Remote Caching plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that allows a cache server to download repository items from the central server during low usage times so local users can have improved responsiveness when using and viewing the cached items. Also referred to as Active Cache.
Remote Support plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that when enabled grants Client Support access to the user’s institution to help diagnose problems.
Repeater - Contribution wizard control that creates a field that can be duplicated on the wizard page.
Reporting - Administration Console tool used to upload reports.
Replicated Datastore plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that provides a flexible method for automatically creating openEQUELLA users from any datastore that can be queried using SQL.
Resource - Personal content stored in the My Content area of the openEQUELLA Digital Repository. Resources are not shared with other users unless they have been added to items or included in a webpage.
Resource Selector - Contribution wizard control that enables users to search for and link to other items or attachments within the repository or from external sources.
Resume - Item administration operation displayed for items that have been suspended. Selecting this operation un-suspends the item and returns it to the state it was suspended from.
Restore - Item administration operation displayed for items that have been deleted but have not yet been purged. Selecting this operation returns the item to the repository in the state it was in prior to deletion.
Review - Item status for items that have re-entered a workflow in order to be checked for currency, while remaining discoverable by searches.
Roles - Collection of users identified by IP address, openEQUELLA context or UMS.
RSS Feed - Search results option enabling notifications to be generated when items that match a user’s search criteria are contributed or updated. See also Atom feed.
Sakai - Third-party system that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content. Often referred to as an LMS, CMS or VLE.
Scheduled Tasks plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that configures the timing of scheduled tasks providing basic, advanced and execute now functionality.
Schema - See Metadata schema.
Schema node - Element for storing metadata associated with an item. The concatenation of a schema node’s name with that of all its ancestors must be unique.
SCORM - Shareable Content Object Reference Model—content packaging standard.
Scripting - Fine-grained control over processes and workflows.
Searching plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that enables the Include non-live items checkbox to be shown or hidden for search results.
Security Manager - Administration Console tool that manages privileges and groups for users allowing fine grained control of user privileges for all areas of openEQUELLA. Any permissions set on any access control or ACL page can be modified here.
Selection Session - Dialog that provides an overview of resources available for selection during item contribution, displayed when using the Resource Selector contribution wizard control, or when using one of the resource selector tool tips in the HTML editor. Also a prominent feature of integrated openEQUELLA installations.
Sequential steps - Workflow step type that allows a sequence of workflow steps to be chained together for sequential completion.
Serial node - See Sequential steps.
Share Pass plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that allows users to share licensed content outside openEQUELLA.
Shared Secrets plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in used to enable authentication of communications between openEQUELLA and external systems enabling one password to be used.
Shibboleth® - Web-based single sign-on authentication framework.
Shortcut URLs plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that associates a text alias with a URL to create a shortcut for entering the URL.
Shuffle Box - Contribution and power search wizard control that allows users to select one or more items by moving them from one pane to another using arrow buttons.
Shuffle Group - Contribution wizard control that allows users to add, delete or edit groups of details in a list (for example, multiple contributor or publisher details). It requires one or more children, in the form of Edit Box and List Box controls, to be added and cannot be used in isolation.
Shuffle List - Contribution and power search wizard control that allows users to add any number of elements to a list (e.g. a list of multiple authors relating to a single document).
Sibling node - New element node added at the same level as the selected element in a schema.
Sidebar wizard navigation - Contribution wizard layout option where pages are displayed vertically on the left-hand side of the contribution wizard. See also Tabbed wizard navigation.
Single URL Link - Contribution wizard control that allows for the entry of a URL link relating to the contributed item.
SOAP - Communication protocol developed to allow third parties to easily author custom access to openEQUELLA in a supported manner.
SOAP Settings plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that configures the period of a SOAP call before termination.
SQL - Structured Query Language—computer language designed for the management of databases.
SSO Token - Single Sign-On token—means of user authentication allowing access to multiple systems using a single login.
Static Metadata - Contribution wizard control used to store metadata that is fixed for all items of a collection.
Status pane - Text box that displays information about a selected object. Metadata may be entered or displayed through a status pane.
Studywiz™ - Third-party system that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content. Often referred to as an LMS, CMS or VLE.
Submit - See Publish.
Supervising Moderator - User responsible for ensuring moderation is occurring in a timely manner.
Suspend - Item management operation that hides items from searches and is intended for temporary removal of items from the repository. A suspended item cannot be discovered but remains accessible via its URL.
Suspended - Item status for items that have been live but are temporarily removed from the repository and hidden from searches.
Suspensions plug-in - Administration Console User Management plug-in that enables the management of suspended users. The only user that cannot be suspended is the TLE_ADMINISTRATOR.
System Administrator - User in an institution who is responsible for operating and managing openEQUELLA.
System Settings - Tool in the Administration Console providing access to openEQUELLA institution settings for editing configuration settings.
Tabbed wizard navigation - Contribution wizard display option where pages are displayed as tabs across the top of the wizard. See also Sidebar wizard navigation.
Task list - Area typically appearing on the openEQUELLA Home page that identifies and provides links to outstanding items requiring the user’s attention.
Taxonomy - Classified data that a user can select during contribution, using the Term Selector wizard control.
Taxonomies - Administration Console tool used to create and modify taxonomies.
Term Selector - Contribution and power search wizard control used for the selection of taxonomy terms during contribution.
Text box - Field for entering or editing textual information.
The Le@rning Federation (TLF)- Australian federal initiative to provide online K–12 curriculum materials and support for students and teachers.
Third-party integrations -Training software that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content (e.g. Blackboard™, Moodle™). Also called Learning Management System (LMS), Content Management System (CMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Thumbnail Locator - Feature of the Large Image Viewer that helps identify which part of an image is being viewed and enables quick navigation around the image.
Transformations - Metadata schemas can be transformed to allow the schema data to be represented using another schema. Typically used to convert custom schemas to common standard schemas such as IMS or Dublin Core.
UMP - User Management plug-in—EQUELLA Administration Console components that manage and enable configuration of internal users, groups and roles and connect to external user management systems.
UMS - User Management System—system used to maintain user data, especially authentication data.
URL - Uniform Resource Locator—address of a web page; also referred to as a web address.
URL Checking plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that enables the verification of URLs embedded in repository content by checking the response code from the URL. All URLs that are found to be bad will be disabled and the item owner emailed after a specified number of attempts.
URL Links - Contribution wizard control that allows users to enter one or more URL links relating to the contributed item.
Use and Adapt - License condition that confers the following rights to collection users: Display, print, play, execute, modify, quote, annotate, and aggregate.
User partitions - Allows a single repository to be used by many different organisations, while still providing complete separation between organisations.
User Selector - Contribution wizard control that enables the selection of users and stores their details with the item metadata, for example to assign workflow tasks to specific users during the workflow process.
User Quota plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that configures the amount of storage available to openEQUELLA users.
UUID - Unique Universal Identifier—unique number used to identify openEQUELLA items.
Version Selection plug-in - Administration Console System Settings plug-in that provides institution-wide settings for resource version selection.
VLE - Virtual Learning Environment—third-party training software that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content (e.g. Blackboard™, Moodle™). Also called Learning Management System (LMS) or Content Management System (CMS).
Vista_CE - Third-party system that can be integrated with openEQUELLA to deliver online content. Often referred to as an LMS, CMS or VLE.
WebDAV File Management - File management protocol available with the Load Attachments contribution wizard control.
Web Pages Selector - Contribution wizard control that allows users to author, edit or import web pages.
Wildcard search - Single character wildcard search looks for terms that match words with a single character replaced with the ‘?’ symbol. Multiple character wildcard search looks for 0 or more characters replaced with the ‘*’ symbol.
Wizard - Sequence of application pages that allow input of metadata fields against an item.
Wizard control - Configurable control that facilitates customised collections. Configured in the Administration Console Collection Definition editor and Power Search editor.
Wizard layout - Configured using the Wizard node in the Administration Console Collection Definition editor. See also Sidebar wizard navigation and Tabbed wizard navigation.
Workflow - openEQUELLA workflows are processes that automatically notify users when they must review or moderate a repository item.
Workflow node - See Workflow task.
Workflow step - Building block for a workflow template. See also Decision point, Parallel steps, Sequential steps and Workflow task.
Workflow task - Workflow step type where moderation is done. Moderators must be allocated to workflow tasks before it can be saved in the workflow template.
Workflow Template editor - Administration Console tool used to create workflow templates. It simplifies the creation of templates by modelling the workflow as a series of flow chart nodes that can be previewed as a diagram.
XML - Extensible Markup Language—general-purpose markup language for storing data.
XSLT - Extensible Stylesheet Transformations—commonly used to change the presentation of XML data. In openEQUELLA they can be used to present information returned in reports, transformations, citations, display and confirmation templates.
YouTube™ Search - Contribution wizard control that allows users to search for YouTube™ content to be added to a contributed item.
Z39.50 - Protocol for searching and retrieving information from remote library database systems.