Querying repeated metadata nodes
In the previous tutorial we did a query which returned a single value, however XPath queries are much more powerful than that, they can be used return multiple parts of the xml.
A common pattern within EQUELLA is to collect multiple sets of data using the “Repeater” control, for example:
<model>Accord Euro</model>
What if we’d like to report on each car separately? Thankfully the native XML support of databases can easily handle this problem.
Selecting individual cars
Report on each car
SELECT i.id AS item_id, i.uuid, i.version,
i_name.text as item_name, be_name.text as collection_name,
extractValue(value(carxml), 'car/make') as make,
extractValue(value(carxml), 'car/model') as model
FROM item i
INNER JOIN (select id, XMLType(xml) as itemxml from item_xml) ix on i.item_xml_id = ix.id
CROSS APPLY XMLSequence(extract(itemxml, '/xml/item/cars/car')) carxml
INNER JOIN base_entity be on be.id = i.item_definition_id
LEFT JOIN language_string i_name on i.name_id = i_name.bundle_id
LEFT JOIN language_string be_name on be.name_id = be_name.bundle_id
AND be.uuid = '20d5d5eb-af16-43b0-a42b-962c57fe87f2'
Let’s examine the important parts of the query:
INNER JOIN (select id, XMLType(xml) as itemxml from item_xml) ix on i.item_xml_id = ix.id
This is the same join as the previous tutorial which simply converts the xml data to the native
XMLType datatype and gives it the alias “itemxml
CROSS APPLY XMLSequence(extract(itemxml, '/xml/item/cars/car')) car
The XMLSequnce()
function returns a rowset with a single column for each match on the
given XPath returned from the extract()
call. In our case we want all the separate cars
” and we have named the column carxml
then combines both rowsets together making a row for each car.
Now that we have rows with individual <car> elements, it’s a simple matter of extracting the data from the child nodes:
extractValue(value(carxml), 'car/make') as make,
extractValue(value(carxml), 'car/model') as model
will return the text content inside a node returned from an XPath query.
must be called on the carxml
to turn it into an XMLType value. Note that the
XPath is not rooted inside the ‘car’ node, so you must include it at the start of your path.